Ancestry Certificate

Arkansas Ancestry Certificates

Download Arkansas Ancestry Certificate Application (PDF)
Download Arkansas Civil War Ancestry Certificate Application (PDF)

These forms may be saved to your local disk. The information may be entered using Adobe Reader and, after the form is complete, printed and mailed to the address on the form along with the documentation and fee.

On successful proof that one of your ancestors lived in Arkansas and payment of a $10 fee, you will receive a certificate recognizing your family’s pioneers and settlers of Arkansas and your lineage will be published in The Arkansas Family Historian. A copy of the application along with the accompanying proof documents will be archived and filmed at the Arkansas History Commission.

There are five different categories of residency.

Colonial – For an ancestor who resided in Arkansas prior to 1 January 1804

Territorial – For an ancestor who resided in Arkansas prior to 15 June 1836

Antebellum – For an ancestor who resided in Arkansas prior to 6 May 1861

Nineteenth Century – For an ancestor who resided in Arkansas prior to 31 December 1900

Civil War Ancestry – For an ancestor who served in a Confederate or Union Arkansas unit between 1861 and 1865, or applied for an Arkansas Confederate pension, or whose widow applied for such pension, or a Union soldier or soldier’s widow who applied for a U.S. pension while living in Arkansas